Thursday, May 23, 2013

uno mas

Hola. Another day in the land of Costa Rica and another early start. Between the lovely radio at 5am and he kind rooster, our team was up bright and early For Jesus. But low and behold, a monkey appears in a nearby tree and the day was off to a great start. Following a tortilla and rice breakfast, thewgroup got ready for a day of service near the ranch. As we headed off towards the sanctuary, we scooped up some stones we would later use during a commitment ceremony. We love Jesus no matter what. It was neat. Afterwards we began digging holds, filling holes and carrying heavy cement slabs up a mountain. As the sun came out, shirts began to loose there sleeves. Ater a longandtirin morning, a mountainsideluch was very welcomed. While we were feasting, could it be, yes, we were surrounded by 7 silly monkeys. Awesome. The excitement did not end there as we returnedto carrying more slabs and digging more holes, mmm. Everytime that i felt tired and saw a gairl doing hard would i decided i needed to pick i up. We were not as good as we thought, but we decided to commit toreaching the goal, carrying all 60 concrete slabs up the mountain. As we were struggling to make it up, we decidedto singou created onthe spot costa rica song to raise our spirits. Omar, one of the natives decides to carry one by himself. at this point we have 4 people to one slab. Immediately afterwards, cannon and i(ben) decide to step up to the challange as well. The journey was near death. Oh well. Aftercompleting th last slab as a group we prayed and exchanged words. It was evident God was with us during the day. It was 'pretty neat' how we could spend our day in servanthood, helping Don Tony and honoring God. Afterwards we enjoyed the showers juntos. Pura Vida.

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